Thousands more hectares have been secured for koala protection in NSW. Source: Flip Side, Pexels
An extra 3,157 hectares of high-quality koala habitat has been secured by the NSW government for the state’s national park.
Minister for Environment, James Griffin, said that 7 new properties, between Tenterfield in the North to Cooma in the South, have been protected.
The properties will also span across other areas, including 388 hectares next to Mt Hyland Nature Reserve North-East of Dorrigo, 77.3 Hectares next to Queens Lake Nature Reserve near Port Macquarie, and 380 hectares near Morton National Park South-East of Goulburn.
The largest area will be 1,280 hectares near Captains Creek Nature Reserve, 59km North-East of Tenterfield.
“These 7 properties cover more than 3,100 hectares and are dotted along the state’s eastern ‘koala belt’, with each one providing the right blend of eucalypts, terrain, and climate to support koalas,” Mr Griffin said.
“As well as koalas, these national park additions will protect an incredible diversity of native wildlife, including more than 30 threatened species such as long-nosed potoroos, glossy-black cockatoos, greater gliders and powerful owls.
“The NSW Government is delivering strong koala protections around the state through our more than $190 million NSW Koala Strategy, which is the single largest investment in a species by any government.”
“Through the NSW Koala Strategy, we have specifically committed $107.1 million for the protection, restoration and management of more than 47,000 hectares of koala habitat to help double the number of koalas in our state by 2050.”
The newest 3,157 hectares of habitat is in addition to the pre-existing 7,608 hectares that has already been established as koala habitat in the national park through the NSW Koala Strategy.
The 7 new properties were chosen as koala habitat for their climate, terrain, tree species, habitat connectivity, and evidence of koalas already inhabiting the areas.
Since 2019, the NSW government has secured more than 600,000 hectares of the national park to protect threatened wildlife, habitats, and cultural heritage.