The director stated, “Our billing fell behind for the first time in 12 years with Google on 14 September 2022”.
Leading training provider Inspire Education has fallen into liquidation with students left wondering what’s going to happen with their courses.
According to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC), a liquidator has officially been appointed to the Brisbane based RTO.
“Notice is given that at a general meeting of the member of the Company held on 12 October 2022, it was resolved that the Company be wound up and that Lee Crosthwaite be appointed liquidators,” the statement said.
Inspire renewed their training registration in January this year and according to the regulator their company is still registered as providing services. Their ABN is also still active.
Representatives from Worrells, the liquidation business now handling the affairs, said the business owes approximately $1.2 million.
“Inspire Education’s creditors are primarily online marketing and advertising businesses owed approximately $1.2m (representing the last three months only), a Philippines-based services company owed approximately $558k, related entities and loans totalling $535k, and a relatively small quantum of ongoing current account trade suppliers,” they said.
Inspire Education has roughly 13,000 students nationwide and had 40 staff who were given their notice to leave and pay entitlements late last week.
Liquidator to the case, Lee Crosthwaite said that “it’s an incredible shame” that this has happened.
“We’ve got a dedicated team to assist the students who are understandably in a distressing position and who largely paid their fees on an upfront basis,” he said.
“Worrells is obtaining all relevant information to assess the company’s liability in respect of course refunds.”
“Avenues are also being explored with other RTOs and the regulator for vocation education and training, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), for any student assistance available and guidance on their studies and course status.”
Attempts to contact Inspire have been unsuccessful, when NewsCop called their office we were met with a voice message.
“Due to unforeseen circumstances, our website, phones, and email are unavailable at this time. We will endeavour to provide an update as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience,” the message said.

However we did manage to talk to one of their students.
Maria had been studying a Diploma in Community Services with Inspire Education since April this year and said she found out about the liquidation via a friend of hers who was also in the course.
“I actually received a message on messenger from one of the other students,” she said.
“And they were like ‘hey did you see that email?’ and I said, ‘I didn’t receive anything’.
“So myself personally and a lot of other students have not received anything.
“We just found out from other people.
“I’m furious.”
Maria says she’s incredibly angry because it’s her education that’s been messed around.
“It’s not like I got into a scam to buy shoes online and they got my money, that would be nothing.
“We’re talking about the work that we all put in and the stress because there was no support.
“You can’t find any webinars to attend, I had also booked a call on Friday for the trainer to call me at 3:45 which never happened.”
Going forward, Maria is hoping for a refund and says she doesn’t “care for apologies” because “people don’t mean that”.
“I feel like I was scammed… give people 10 days’ notice prior to let us know that you’re closing,” she said.
“I had two assessments that I had uploaded that didn’t even get marked, so I can’t get the credits for the course.
“It feels like I’ve wasted so much time.”