Jurors on Panel O numbers 198 – 322 (inclusive) ARE required to attend on Tuesday 15th October 2024 at 8:45am SHARP.
Jurors on Panel N and Panel O who are empanelled on the current trials ARE required to attend on Tuesday 15th October 2024.
Please continue to check the jury message on a daily basis. |
R -V- N | President | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | 9:30 AM | (Delivery of Judgment) | R -V- JASON RONALD VAUGHAN | President | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | 9:30 AM | (Review) | R -V- LUKE ROBERT SCHOLZE | PresidentJustice BoddiceJustice Davis | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | 10:15 AM | (Appeal against Conviction and Application for Leave to Appeal against Sentence) | LEWIS -V- STATE OF QUEENSLAND | President | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | 2:15 PM | (Application) | TROUTON -V- TROUTON & another | President | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | 3:00 PM | (Application) | HAYS SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD (ABN 47 001 407 281) -V- CAREY-SCHOFIELD & another | Justice BondJustice BrownActing Justice Vaughan | Banco CourtFloor 3 | 10:15 AM | (Hearing) | CIVEO PTY LTD (ABN 53 003 657 510) -V- CAREY-SCHOFIELD & another | Justice BondJustice BrownActing Justice Vaughan | Banco CourtFloor 3 | 10:15 AM | (Hearing) |
ENGLEFIELD; KISINA | Justice Ryan | Court 7Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review – Legal Representatives Required) | TAN | Justice Williams | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:45 AM | (Review – Legal Representatives Required) | ONE MATTER | Justice Williams | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:15 AM | (Trial Review – Legal Representatives Required) | TOWNSVILLE MATTER | Justice Crowley | Court 5Floor 3 | 9:15 AM | (Delivery of Judgment) | SIGGS, Levi Kanoa Sibson | Justice Sullivan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:20 AM | (Review – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | ABDUL-KADIR; DONALDSON; RANDOLPH | Justice Sullivan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:20 AM | (Review – Legal Representatives Required) | ONE MATTER | Justice Sullivan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:20 AM | (Review – Legal Representatives Required) | NGUYEN; RUSSELL | Justice Sullivan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:20 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Legal Representatives Required) | BAIN, Sarah Jean Munro; DIPACULANG, Simatar Cachuela | Justice Sullivan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:20 AM | (Arraignment – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | NGUYEN, Dat Doan | Justice Sullivan | Court 4Floor 3 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | GRAHAM, Jason Matthew | Justice Sullivan | Court 4Floor 3 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | ONE MATTER | Justice Copley | Court 10Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | NEGRINE, Daniel Nunes | Justice Treston | Court 12Floor 5 | 9:30 AM | (Trial Part Heard) |
YOUSSEF -V- ECKERSLEY & another | Justice Wilson | Court 7Floor 4 | 2:00 PM | (Hearing) | HUTSON -V- G8 EDUCATION LIMITED | Justice Wilson | Court 7Floor 4 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) | ATTORNEY-GENERAL FOR THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND -V- NORRIS | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 2:00 PM | (Hearing) | GAN -V- METCALF & another | Justice Hindman | Court 20Floor 6 | 9:00 AM | (Delivery of Judgment) | LUNDBERGS -V- FU & another | Justice Crowley | Court 5Floor 3 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) |
COURAN COVE RESORT COMMUNITY BODY CORPORATE -V- THE PROPRIETORS – COURAN COVE RESORT – ECO LODGES GROUP TITLES PLAN NO. 106783 & others | Justice Freeburn | Court 21Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | MOROCCO HOLDINGS PTY LTD -V- DA & JF CAMM PTY LTD & another | Justice Hindman | Court 20Floor 6 | 9:30 AM | (Review) | JOHNSON -V- KASHANI-MALAKI & others | Justice Muir | Court 19Floor 6 | 9:15 AM | (Review) | GARFIELD TERRACE HOLDINGS PTY LTD & another -V- FINE PEACE DEVELOPMENT (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD | Justice Muir | Court 19Floor 6 | 9:15 AM | (Review) |
Parties seeking to appear by telephone or video are to first contact the judges associate to request the Courts leave to do so.
For appearances by telephone (if leave of the Court has been given) dial 1800 173 224 and, when prompted, enter: Callaghan J – 9093270 # Cooper J – 3671624 #
For appearances by video, parties given leave will be provided instructions to connect to the videoconference by the judges associate. |
RE: CROSS | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | RE: CONVERY | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application to Vary Bail) | RE: LAIDLAW | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: PEEPALL | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:30 AM | (Application for Bail – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | ISLAND RESORTS (FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT) PTY LTD & another -V- COURAN COVE RESORT COMMUNITY BODY CORPORATE | Justice Freeburn | Court 21Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | | RE: SMALL | Justice Kelly | Court 6Floor 4 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | ERETZYISRAELDOVID -V- POPE FRANCIS OF THE VATICAN CITY OF ROME & others | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RE: L’ESTRANGE | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | NATIONAL INJURY INSURANCE AGENCY QUEENSLAND -V- DRUMMOND | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | MAKESPORT PTY LTD -V- TELSTRA PURPLE PTY LTD | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | AUSTRALIAN SECURE CAPITAL FUND LTD & another -V- INTERNATIONAL CRYTO HOLDINGS PTY LTD | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RE: OMARCO ENGINEERING PTY. LTD. | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | EMERSON -V- BROWN & another | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | LARKIN -V- NATIONAL AUSTRALIA BANK LIMITED | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | GATEHOUSE -V- YEE | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RE: COLLINS | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | LEITH GROUP DEVELOPMENT PTY LTD -V- DELOITTE PDS GROUP PTY LTD & others | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RE: SNELL | Justice Cooper | Court 15Floor 5 | 11:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) |
SE SOURCING PTY LTD -V- DEPUTY COMMISSION OF TAXATION | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | TRISCO FOODS PTY LTD -V- BRISBANE FINE FOODS PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: NT NGUYEN FRUIT SUPPLY PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND -V- SHADOW INVESTMENT GROUP PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | |
RE: MING | Justice Williams | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Review) | CORPORATION OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF TOOWOOMBA – CATHOLIC SCHOOLS -V- THORNE & another | Justice Freeburn | Court 21Floor 6 | 9:15 AM | (Review) |
OLIVEIRA & another -V- FRAME CONSULTING PTY LTD & another | Justice Sullivan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:00 AM | (Review) |
Parties intending to appear for Mention in Court 22 via telephone must provide appearance details to the DC Criminal List Manager by 3:00pm the day prior. |
KEENAN, Duncan; SAILOR, Titus Miara Charlie Ni; TRUONG, Thuan | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | BAKARE; BOB; CONFORTI; DUONG; EDWARDS; EISERMANN; FRIEBERG; GARSKE; GODDEN; HAIN; HOGAN; HOPKINS; HUGHES; JOHNS; JONES; JONES; KHAN; KIM; MAI; MARTIN; MCCALMAN; MCLEAN; MYERS; PATERNOSTER; ROBLES; SEARLE; SINCLAIR; TURNER; WALTERS; WILLIAMS | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Legal Representatives Required) | CHASE, Gregory Leslie | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | ARCH; GRUNBERGER; HORNERY; HURLSTONE; JEROME; MACKENZIE-CORBETT; MAJOK | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Legal Representatives Required) | LUMSDEN, Darren Leigh | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | CONNELLY, Phillip Jorge | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Directions Hearing) | GREEN, Steven John | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Directions Hearing) | MULLAN, Bernard Claver | Judge Rafter SC | Court 29Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | AL DELEYMI, Hasheem Jamal | Judge Rafter SC | Court 29Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | PAONGO, Mafi Paula | Judge McGinness | Court 28Floor 8 | 9:30 AM | (Sentence Part Heard) | GREELEY, Christopher Jy | Judge Kent KC | Court 24Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | HASSAN, Gamoradine I | Judge Rosengren | Court 23Floor 7 | 9:45 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | WINTERS, Geoffrey | Judge Jarro | Court 30Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | JACKSON, Steven Anthony; SHAW, Jay Robert | Judge Gardiner | Court 34Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | GRAHAM | Judge Byrne KC | Court 36Floor 9 | 9:30 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Legal Representatives Required) | LABABIDI, Nazir | Judge Byrne KC | Court 36Floor 9 | 9:30 AM | (Sentence) | HORTON, Brad William | Judge Holliday KC | Court 31Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | ROMA CALLOVER | Judge McDonnell | Court 37Floor 9 | 9:00 AM | (Callover) | STIELER, Terry Gordon | Judge McDonnell | Court 37Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial) | KINGSTON, Lyndon Allen | Judge Heaton KC | Court 35Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial) |
ONE MATTER | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) |
GEMINI HOMES (QLD) PTY LD -V- POINT BAY DEVELOPMETNS PTY LTD | Judge Andreatidis KC | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | BYFIELD -V- CUTLER | Judge Andreatidis KC | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | JOHNSON & another -V- SULTANA FUTURES CUSTODIAN PTY LTD | Judge Andreatidis KC | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) |
DEVMIN INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD -V- GARDEN | Judge Andreatidis KC | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) |
THOMAS -V- POLICE PROSECUTIONS CORPS | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) | ALEXANDER -V- COMMISSIONER OF POLICE | Judge Moynihan KC | Court 38Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Mention) | ONE MATTER | Judge Moynihan KC | Court 38Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Mention) |
HARBURG NOMINEES PTY LTD -V- IPSWICH CITY COUNCIL | Judge Kent KC | Court 24Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Review) | NAIRN & another -V- BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL | Judge Kefford | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) |
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Every effort has been made to comply with non-publication (suppression) orders or statutory provisions prohibiting publication that may apply to this information. The onus remains on any person using material from court files to ensure that the intended use of that material does not breach any such order or provision. |