Jurors on Panel B who are empanelled on the current trials ARE required to attend on Thursday the 27th of February 2025
Jurors on Panel C are not required to attend on Thursday the 27th of February 2025
Please continue to check the jury message on a daily basis. |
MCLAREN, Christopher David | Chief Justice | Court 17Floor 6 | 9:30 AM | (Breach of Suspended Sentence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | DE KLERK, Dewald; SEARSTON, Joshua Robert | Chief Justice | Court 17Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | NEALE, Lauren Debra | Justice Burns | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:45 AM | (Review – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | DANIELS; KHOBDEL; MCNAMARA; O’SACHY; PASTOR PASTOR; SMITH; TAIAO; THRUPP | Justice Burns | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:45 AM | (Review – Legal Representatives Required) | HITE; MILHAM; WHITE | Justice Burns | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:45 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Legal Representatives Required) | ROBINS, Glen William Alfred | Justice Burns | Court 4Floor 3 | 10:00 AM | (Breach of Suspended Sentence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | BARTLEY, Tanya Louise | Justice Burns | Court 4Floor 3 | 2:30 PM | (Breach of Suspended Sentence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | BUTTERWORTH, Chelsea Ellen | Justice Williams | Court 10Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence Part Heard) | WEGENER, Harley David | Justice Mellifont | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:30 AM | (Trial Part Heard) |
RINGELSTEIN -V- METRO NORTH HOSPITAL & HEALTH SERVICE | Justice Martin | Court 21Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) | SMITH -V- KENNEDY | Justice Cooper | Court 20Floor 6 | 9:00 AM | (Delivery of Judgment) | 21 BROADBEACH BLVD PTY LTD -V- BODY CORPORATE FOR 19 THE BOULEVARD COMMUNITY TITLES SCHEME 51936 | Justice Hindman | Court 9Floor 4 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) | ATTORNEY-GENERAL FOR THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND -V- PENNINGSON | Justice Copley | Court 7Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review) | ATTORNEY-GENERAL FOR THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND -V- FRANCIS | Justice Copley | Court 7Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review) | ONE MATTER | Justice Copley | Court 7Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | EVANS -V- JAN | Justice Copley | Court 7Floor 4 | 2:15 PM | (Delivery of Judgment) | YORK PROPERTY HOLDINGS PTY LTD -V- TOMKINS COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL BUILDERS PTY LTD & others | Justice Treston | Court 5Floor 3 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) |
MARCOOLA INVESTMENTS PTY LTD -V- BORAL RESOURCES (QLD) PTY LIMITED | Justice Muir | Court 13Floor 5 | 9:30 AM | (Review) |
Parties seeking to appear by telephone or video are to first contact the judges associate to request the Courts leave to do so.
For appearances by telephone (if leave of the Court has been given) dial 1800 173 224 and, when prompted, enter:
Callaghan J – 9093270 # Kelly J – 3671624 #
For appearances by video, parties given leave will be provided instructions to connect to the videoconference by the judges associate. |
RE: ASHLEY | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Appearance Required) | HOOKEY & another -V- MANTHEY & others | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | LI -V- MCNEIL | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | MONTESSORI PTY LTD -V- ISG INVESTMENT HOLDINGS PTY LTD & others | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | SHAW -V- VIHOLM & another | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | YORK PROPERTY HOLDINGS PTY LTD -V- TOMKINS COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL BUILDERS PTY LTD | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | IRON CAPITAL NO.2 PTY LTD -V- FERRIER | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | PROPERTY INVESTMENT SERVICES GROUP PTY LTD -V- SAMPSON & others | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RE: KOII | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: TRAN | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: YIU | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: JOHNSON | Justice Callaghan | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RE: YARDLEY | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Appearance Required) | RE: HOLLAND-WILLIAMS | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: KISS | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application to Vary Bail) | RE: RHODES | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | GREEN -V- LAWNTON 2 PTY LTD & others | Justice Hindman | Court 9Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review) |
RE: SWB DRILLING SERVICES PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: SCAFFSAFE ACCESS SOLUTIONS PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: OMNI DEVELOPMENTS PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: JUNIOURS HAULAGE PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: UNIQUE MOTOR GROUP PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: EMF PPT LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: MONACO WILLOWS PTY. LTD. | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: THE LIQUOR GUY PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: 472 TOORAK ROAD PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | |
AMP BANK LIMITED -V- DIPROSE & another | Justice Callaghan | | 10:00 AM | (Application on the Papers) |
BLACK -V- GOLD COAST PICKLEBALL ASSOCIATION INC. & another | Justice Williams | Court 10Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Review) | TOMADA -V- LUSCH & others | Justice Williams | Court 10Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Review) | TOMADA -V- LUSCH & others | Justice Williams | Court 10Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Review) |
ONE MATTER – MENTION | Justice Wilson | Court 12Floor 5 | 9:30 AM | (Hearing) |
Parties intending to appear for Mention in Court 22 via telephone must provide appearance details to the DC Criminal List Manager by 3:00pm the day prior. |
DEANS | Chief Judge | Court 39Floor 9 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Legal Representatives Required) | HARBOUR, Lindsay Jay | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | DANG TRAN; GILLIES; GODDARD; GRAHAM; HARBOUR; HEWITT; JOHNSON; KAMORIKI; KURIAKOSE; MCLEOD; NEVILLE; OLDS; RUSSELL; SHERIFF; SNELL; TAYLOR; TURANGA; TUSA; WALKER-POTTS; WU | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Legal Representatives Required) | MITCHELL, Laura Louis | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | JACKSON; STRATFORD; CRAIGVAN; DEVERALL-BOWDEN; KOOTSTRA; McGILL; CUTMORE; SHORT; THOMAS; WILSON | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Legal Representatives Required) | PHILLIMORE | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 10:15 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Legal Representatives Required) | MUNODAWAFA | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 10:15 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Legal Representatives Required) | OGBUA | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | 10:15 AM | (Directions Hearing) | LIU, Qilang | Judge Dearden | Court 22Floor 7 | Not Before 10:30 AM | (Sentence) | BOYD, Riley Eric; HARTOG, Paula Marie | Judge Rafter SC | Court 23Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | EDGAR, Mitchell John | Judge Clare SC | Court 37Floor 9 | 9:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | MULVAY, Kane Robert | Judge Farr SC | Court 25Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Re-Opening of Sentence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | WILLIAMS, Daniel Owen | Judge Sheridan | Court 28Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | SCHMIDT, Rodney Ian | Judge Moynihan KC | Court 30Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | LORD, Joshua | Judge Moynihan KC | Court 30Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Breach of Suspended Sentence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | DI CARLO, Salvatore | Judge Allen KC | Court 29Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | ZHAO, Yinan; JOHNSON, Owen Matthew | Judge Gardiner | Court 34Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | CHALMERS, Gordon Douglas | Judge Byrne KC | Court 24Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Mention – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | DOWD, Brandon Anthony Robert; LATTER, Scott Anthony | Judge Byrne KC | Court 24Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | WELTON, Warren Michael William | Judge Andreatidis KC | Court 36Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Recording of Evidence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | WALSH, Stephen Thomas | Judge Heaton KC | Court 35Floor 9 | 9:30 AM | (Trial Part Heard) |
TWO MATTERS | Judge Richards | Court 24Floor 7 | 9:15 AM | (Arraignment – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | FOUR MATTERS | Judge Richards | Court 24Floor 7 | 9:15 AM | (Mention – Legal Representatives Required) | TWO MATTERS | Judge Richards | Court 24Floor 7 | 9:15 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Legal Representatives Required) |
PILIPOVIC-KLJAJIC -V- WILDERMUTH & another | Judge Rosengren | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | HARPER & another -V- HARPER | Judge Rosengren | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) |
BENDIGO & ADELAIDE BANK LIMITED -V- PIN | Judge Rosengren | | 10:00 AM | (Application on the Papers) |
RUSSELLS (A FIRM) -V- TIPLADY LEGAL PTY LTD & another | Judge Porter KC | Court 26Floor 7 | 9:00 AM | (Review) | SCHLECHT & another -V- EPM OPERATIONS PTY LTD & others | Judge Barlow KC | Court 38Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | RAMSDEN LAW PTY LTD -V- HIDIC & others | Judge Andreatidis KC | Court 36Floor 9 | 9:00 AM | (Review) |
Her Honour will be utilising Webex for remote appearances at the directions hearing. Please refer to the email from her Honours associate containing the relevant details. If you require the Webex details to be resent, please email [email protected], copying all parties and request the Webex link. Please see the Queensland Courts How to Join a Webex Video Conference Call guide if you require further instruction regarding joining the video conference. The guide can be accessed at the following link: https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/798491/how-to-join-videoconference-call.pdf |
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Every effort has been made to comply with non-publication (suppression) orders or statutory provisions prohibiting publication that may apply to this information. The onus remains on any person using material from court files to ensure that the intended use of that material does not breach any such order or provision. |