In light of the warnings issued by the Bureau of Meteorology in relation to Tropical Cyclone Alfred, please be advised the Brisbane Supreme and District Court Registry will be closed on Thursday, 6 March 2025 and Friday, 7 March 2025. For further information, please refer to Supreme Court Practice Direction 3 of 2025 and District Court Practice Direction 3 of 2025. |
The Brisbane Supreme and District Courts will be closed on Thursday the 6th of March 2025 and Friday the 7th of March 2025. Jurors are NOT required to attend on these days.
Jurors on Panel C numbers 538 to 646 (inclusive) and numbers 2 to 41 (inclusive) ARE required to attend on Monday the 10th of March 2025 at 8:45am SHARP.
Jurors should only attend Court if it is safe to do so and public transport remains operational.
Jurors on Panel B and Panel C who are empanelled on the current trials ARE required to attend on Monday the 10th of March 2025.
Please continue to check the jury message on a daily basis. |
R -V- CALLUM MITCHEL JAMES DINNIS | Justice BondActing Justice GottersonJustice Crow | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | 10:15 AM | (Application for Leave to Appeal against Sentence) | PACIFIC DIAMOND 88 PTY LTD (ABN 28 583 823 057) -V- TOMKINS COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL BUILDERS PTY LTD (ABN 98 061 732 778) | Justice BondActing Justice GottersonJustice Crow | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | Not Before 10:30 AM | (Hearing) | R -V- BENJAMIN JAMES NUNNS | Justice Boddice | Banco CourtFloor 3 | 9:30 AM | (Review) | R -V- BEAU DANIEL BROOKES | Justice BoddiceJustice BrownJustice Crowley | Banco CourtFloor 3 | 10:15 AM | (Application for Leave to Appeal against Sentence) |
DE KLERK, Dewald; SEARSTON, Joshua Robert | Chief Justice | Court 17Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | HARDY, Bradley Ernest; MCLAUGHLIN, Skye Louise | Justice Williams | Court 10Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) |
KNOWLES & others -V- INTERPRAC FINANCIAL PLANNING PTY LTD | Justice Cooper | Court 21Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Trial) | ATTORNEY-GENERAL FOR THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND -V- BENNETT | Justice Copley | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) | ATTORNEY-GENERAL FOR THE STATE OF QUEENSLAND -V- HAIDLEY | Justice Copley | Court 15Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) |
RP DATA PTY LTD -V- N.S BUICK AND D NOLAN | Justice Freeburn | Court 7Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review) | BRISBANE AIRPORT CORPORATION PTY LTD -V- AIRSERVICES AUSTRALIA & another | Justice Freeburn | Court 7Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review) |
Parties seeking to appear by video are to first contact the judges associate to request the Courts leave to do so.
For appearances by video, parties given leave will be provided instructions to connect to the videoconference by the judges associate. |
RE: ROBINSON | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Appearance Required) | GUARDIAN WEALTH MORTGAGE MANAGERS PTY LTD -V- BELASH PTY LTD & others | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RE: THOMAS | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: MCKEDDIE | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | NEILL -V- WEST MORETON HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICE & another | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | SEQ FORMWORK PTY LTD -V- MINICON CONSTRUCTIONS (QLD) PTY LTD | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | COOLING -V- QBE INSURANCE (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RODAN FAMILY PTY LTD -V- DAKI & another | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | DN HOLDINGS PTY LTD -V- EDDINGS & others | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | DIXSON -V- PAROLE BOARD QUEENSLAND | Justice Burns | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:45 AM | |
Parties intending to appear for Mention in Court 22 via telephone must provide appearance details to the DC Criminal List Manager by 3:00pm the day prior. |
DUPOIS, Charles | Judge Smith | Court 30Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | VAN EPS, Julie Marie | Judge Smith | Court 30Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | COSH, Allan James; ROBERTSON, Richard; WHITAKER, Mark Reginald | Judge Rafter SC | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Arraignment – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | GOMEZ, Camila Jacquelinne; HARTON, Nathan John; HERMAN, Christopher James; THOMAS-RAPATA, Tupotahi Wahanui | Judge Rafter SC | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | ABDILE; CALDWELL; DENNISON; EDMA; GEBREYSUS; GEIGER; GREELEY; JOHNS; LETTE; MIDGLEY; MOO; MULLAN; SHELLEY; SINGH; THISTLETHWAITE; THON | Judge Rafter SC | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Legal Representatives Required) | MARSHALL, Jarvis Tasmin; SALE, Jayden Aoese | Judge Rafter SC | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Callover – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | AH-SANG; AL GHULAMI; AL-TALABANY; BRAINE; FAIRBAIRN; HAYNES; IVES; JACKSON; MAURICE; PIVAC; SINCLAIR; WILLIS | Judge Rafter SC | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Callover – Legal Representatives Required) | JOHNSON, Alex Robert | Judge Rafter SC | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | CHAMBERS-LEE WEN, Stephanie Louise | Judge Sheridan | Court 23Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Recording of Evidence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | DAYE, Lee Phillip William | Judge Kent KC | Court 34Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | HARDWICK, Peter Michael | Judge Rosengren | Court 28Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | WAEREA, Mitchell Dennis | Judge Loury KC | Court 29Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | DE ZILWA, G; DE ZILWA, S; SHARROCK | Judge Byrne KC | Court 36Floor 9 | 9:30 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Legal Representatives Required) | COMB | Judge Byrne KC | Court 36Floor 9 | 9:30 AM | (Pre-Trial Hearing – Legal Representatives Required) | HALL, Justin Joseph | Judge Byrne KC | Court 36Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | MORRISON, Paul Joshua | Judge Dann | Court 31Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | KELLY | Judge McDonnell | Court 34Floor 9 | 11:00 AM | (Trial Review – Legal Representatives Required) | HICKEY, Steven Brent | Judge McCarthy KC | Court 24Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | GREWAL, Guntinder Singh | Judge McCarthy KC | Court 24Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence Part Heard) | DOWNS, Peter John | Judge Balic | Court 37Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial) |
ONE MATTER | Judge Dearden | Court 25Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Trial) | ONE MATTER | Judge Dearden | Court 25Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence Review) | ONE MATTER | Judge Rafter SC | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | ONE MATTER | Judge Clare SC | Court 35Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) |
For District Court civil matters, parties are to liaise with the relevant Judges associate as to how the matter will proceed. |
BURTTON PTY LTD -V- THE MEAT HUB (QLD) PTY LTD | Judge Andreatidis KC | Court 26Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) |
KEOGH -V- CONRADIE & another | Judge Richards | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | LEE -V- MCKINNON | Judge Richards | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | SHIFT FINANCE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD -V- COWHAM & another | Judge Richards | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | BLUECHIP DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (TOOWOOMBA) PTY LTD -V- NP LEGAL PTY LTD & another | Judge Richards | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | HUANG -V- YU | Judge Richards | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | INF RENTALS PTY LTD -V- LUCK | Judge Richards | Court 32Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Application) |
ONE MATTER | Judge Burnett | Court 38Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Appeal) |
Her Honour will be utilising Webex for remote appearances at the directions hearing. Please refer to the email from her Honours associate containing the relevant details. If you require the Webex details to be resent, please email [email protected], copying all parties and request the Webex link. Please see the Queensland Courts How to Join a Webex Video Conference Call guide if you require further instruction regarding joining the video conference. The guide can be accessed at the following link: https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/798491/how-to-join-videoconference-call.pdf |
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Every effort has been made to comply with non-publication (suppression) orders or statutory provisions prohibiting publication that may apply to this information. The onus remains on any person using material from court files to ensure that the intended use of that material does not breach any such order or provision. |