Jurors on Panel Q numbers 329 – 505 (inclusive) ARE required to attend on Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 8:45 am SHARP.
Jurors on Panel P who are empanelled on the current trials ARE required to attend on Tuesday 3 December 2024.
Please continue to check the jury message on a daily basis. |
XY -V- UV | President | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | 9:15 AM | (Delivery of Judgment) | R -V- CALLUM MITCHEL JAMES DINNIS | President | Appeal CourtFloor 3 | 9:15 AM | (Review) |
RAMSAY, Dean Gordon Wilson | Justice Martin | Court 7Floor 4 | 10:00 AM | (Trial) | RADHAKRISHNAN, Sandrasegram | Justice Wilson | Court 18Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | PRICE; STOREY | Justice Callaghan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:45 AM | (Review – Legal Representatives Required) | EVANS; HENRY; NITARSKI; SPELLS | Justice Callaghan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:45 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Legal Representatives Required) | HOFFS, Jason Glenn | Justice Callaghan | Court 4Floor 3 | 9:45 AM | (Arraignment – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) |
MERRETT & others -V- STATE OF QUEENSLAND (QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE) & another | Justice Bradley | Court 21Floor 6 | 9:00 AM | (Review) | WITTHAHN & others -V- JOHN WAKEFIELD & others | Justice Bradley | Court 21Floor 6 | 9:00 AM | (Review) | SORATI & another -V- SORATI | Justice Callaghan | Court 4Floor 3 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | PENG & another -V- BARKELL PTY LTD & another | Justice Freeburn | Court 7Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review) | CORRIE -V- PENG & another | Justice Freeburn | Court 7Floor 4 | 9:15 AM | (Review) | HINRICHSEN -V- HINRICHSEN PASTORAL PTY LTD & another | Justice Copley | Court 20Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) | LAN & others -V- GU & another | Justice Treston | Court 6Floor 4 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) |
CLEMENTS -V- LOEL & another | Justice Freeburn | Court 10Floor 5 | 9:15 AM | (Review) | BIRBILIS BROS PTY LTD -V- BUNNINGS GROUP LIMITED | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 2:30 PM | (Review) | DGR GLOBAL LTD -V- P.T. LIMITED & others | Justice Hindman | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:15 AM | (Review) | ASSOCIATED INTERNATIONAL GROUP OF NURSERIES INC -V- NUTRAFRUIT PTY LTD | Justice Muir | Court 5Floor 3 | 9:15 AM | (Review) |
Parties seeking to appear by telephone or video are to first contact the judges associate to request the Courts leave to do so.
For appearances by telephone (if leave of the Court has been given) dial 1800 173 224 and, when prompted, enter:
Williams J – 9093270 # Kelly J – 3671624 # Hindman J – 4646489 #
For appearances by video, parties given leave will be provided instructions to connect to the videoconference by the judges associate. |
RE: PRICE | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: CHARLES | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | TAMAMONT PTY LTD -V- ZETES PTY LTD | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | GRIEVE -V- AMACA PTY LTD (FORMERLY JAMES HARDIE & COY PTY LTD) & others | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | EINAM -V- AMACA PTY LTD | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | RE: DUGGAN | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | KEMP -V- PORTER & another | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | BROWN -V- IONLINE – 86109766556 | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | DRUMMOND -V- MCKENZIE & others | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | GOTT -V- GOTT | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | BRAY -V- VOTAN & another | Justice Williams | Court 14Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | | ZUCE TECH PTY LTD -V- EBERT | Justice Freeburn | Court 10Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | RE: SEMMLER | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | RE: SPIERENBURG | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: DRISCOLL-MCEWAN | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: JORDAN | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application to Vary Bail) | RE: ELEY | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: BENNY | Justice Kelly | Court 15Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: WESTON | Justice Hindman | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: FORAN | Justice Hindman | Court 11Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: KANJ | Justice Hindman | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application to Revoke Bail) | RE: DANG | Justice Hindman | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: ESPOSITO | Justice Hindman | Court 11Floor 5 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) | RE: LAIDLAW | Justice Sullivan | Court 17Floor 6 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) |
RE: AS 1 FORMWORK PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: SHUROO OPERATIONS PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: TANTSISHALL & CO PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | RE: CM&CO CAFE 34 QUEEN PTY LTD | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 9:30 AM | | BETNALE PTY LTD -V- STRANO & others | Registrar Gowreah | Court 8Floor 4 | 10:00 AM | (Enforcement Hearing) |
DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION -V- ROMANOWSKI | Justice Freeburn | Court 10Floor 5 | 9:15 AM | |
One Matter | Justice RyanAssisted ByDr Mcvie ElizabethDr Phillips Jane | Court 13Floor 5 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) |
LEGAL SERVICE COMMISSIONER -V- JEFFREY PAUL BIGGS | Justice BradleyAssisted ByMs Pamela SweetappleMs Patrice Lorraine McKay | Court 21Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Hearing) |
Parties intending to appear for Mention in Court 22 via telephone must provide appearance details to the DC Criminal List Manager by 3:00pm the day prior. |
SOLIEN, Christopher Ramundo; SULLIVAN, Adam Brent | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Arraignment – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | ATEM, Majok Lueth; LORD, Joshua; MAHER, Craig Anthony; MATHEWS, Russell Haig; SMITH, William Lee | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | ABDUL KADER; AHANGAMA KODIKARA ARACHCHIGE; BLACKBURN; BOB; CROWTHER; FIELD; FINLAY; GARLAND; GARSKE; HARRIS; HOGARTH; JAMES; JENKINS; KANG; KILPATRICK; KIM; LANGDON; MACKENZIE-CORBETT; MATAHARI; PIWARI TUHAKA; SCHMIDT; SINCLAIR; SINGH; SIYUM; STRINGFELLOW; SU; WATI | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Mention – Legal Representatives Required) | BLACKBURN; BOX; BROWN; CRAIG; COOMBS; FOWLER; PEACOCK; REID; ROMANS; SMITH | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Legal Representatives Required) | POWER, Thomas Mitchell; TONGA, Tonga Valevale Paea | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | SHIELDS, Elissabet Yuliana | Judge Dearden | Court 30Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Trial) | JOHNSON, Alex Robert George | Judge Rafter SC | Court 23Floor 7 | 2:30 PM | (Sentence) | O’NEILL, Darryl John | Judge Clare SC | Court 35Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | SZANTO, Raymond Steven | Judge Moynihan KC | Court 24Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | HASANEEN, Walid | Judge Lynham | Court 25Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | MARYBOROUGH MATTER | Judge Jarro | Court 19Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Recording of Evidence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | MARYBOROUGH MATTERS | Judge Jarro | Court 19Floor 6 | 10:00 AM | (Indictment Presentation) | SCHULZ, Judith Ann | Judge Loury KC | Court 36Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | FRANK, Leighton Ryan | Judge Gardiner | Court 34Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | KER, Roy | Judge McDonnell | Court 37Floor 9 | 10:00 AM | (Trial Part Heard) | BEST, Aaron Brian Arthur | Judge Heaton KC | Court 29Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Breach of Suspended Sentence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | MELVILLE, Nathanial | Judge Heaton KC | Court 29Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Pre-Recording of Evidence – Appearance and Legal Representatives Required) | MAGUTAU, Carmel Maree; MORRIS, Natalie Maree; JONES, Colin James | Judge Power KC | Court 28Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Sentence) | WILLOCKS, Matthew Troy | Judge McCarthy KC | Court 31Floor 8 | 9:00 AM | (Sentence) | O’HELLO, Millie | Judge McCarthy KC | Court 31Floor 8 | 10:00 AM | (Trial) |
ONE MATTER | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:00 AM | (Sentence Part Heard) | ONE MATTER | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Trial Review – Legal Representatives Required) | FOUR MATTERS | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:30 AM | (Indictment Presentation – Legal Representatives Required) | ONE MATTER | Judge Smith | Court 22Floor 7 | 9:00 AM | (Application for Bail – Legal Representatives Required) |
PRUDENT CAPITAL PTY LTD -V- NGUYEN | Judge Sheridan | Court 26Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | RHODEN -V- AVERY | Judge Sheridan | Court 26Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Application) | CRODEN -V- GEORGE WESTON FOODS LTD | Judge Sheridan | Court 26Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Application) |
HOLLAND & another -V- MAWARRA CHEVRON PTY LTD | Judge Barlow KC | Court 39Floor 9 | 9:30 AM | (Application) |
MACKAY MATTER | Judge Burnett | Court 33Floor 8 | 9:30 AM | (Delivery of Judgment) |
BICENTENNIAL DRIVE HOLDINGS PTY LTD -V- GLADSTONE REGIONAL COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | BICENTENNIAL DRIVE HOLDINGS PTY LTD -V- GLADSTONE REGIONAL COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | BICENTENNIAL DRIVE HOLDINGS PTY LTD -V- GLADSTONE REGIONAL COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | JETELD PTY LTD -V- TOOWOOMBA REGIONAL COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | JETELD PTY LTD -V- TOOWOOMBA REGIONAL COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | BRADES PROPERTY AGNES WATERS PTY LTD -V- GLADSTONE REGIONAL COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | GALWAY -V- TOOWOOMBA REGIONAL COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | DENARKE PTY LTD -V- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GOLD COAST | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | PERO-JODA INVESTMENTS PTY LTD -V- MORETON BAY REGIONAL COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Review) | PARADISE HOLDINGS (QLD) PTY LTD -V- SUNSHINE COAST COUNCIL | Judge Williamson KC | Court 27Floor 7 | 10:00 AM | (Application) |
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Every effort has been made to comply with non-publication (suppression) orders or statutory provisions prohibiting publication that may apply to this information. The onus remains on any person using material from court files to ensure that the intended use of that material does not breach any such order or provision. |