A collection of stones - decidedly not nickel.

“Nickel” bought by JPMorgan actually just bags of stones

JPMorgan Chase received a bag filled with stones instead of the nickel it ordered from the warehouse in Rotterdam. Last week, the London Metal Exchange (LME) announced the cancellation of nine nickel contracts – valued at approximately 1.3 million USD – after “irregularities” were discovered in a Rotterdam warehouse. The irregularity was that JPMorgan Chase…

Banknotes (kina) and coins of Papua New Guinea

Golden Sun pyramid scheme scams thousands in Papua New Guinea

For residents of Papua New Guinea facing unemployment and financial hardship, Golden Sun sounded like a golden opportunity. Image source: Übersee-Museum Bremen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. For residents of Papua New Guinea facing unemployment and financial hardship, Golden Sun sounded like a golden opportunity. The concept was simple: participants were tasked to watch…