Picture: RFDS
Planning and design is under way on a $21.3m Launceston home for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) that will enable it to expand its services.
The Tasmanian Government says the project is funded by $15 million from the Federal Government with $6 million from the state government and the balance from the RFDS.
Once operational in 2027, the base at Launceston Airport will be able to accommodate more helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, allow for ground vehicle transfers and cater for workers during infectious disease outbreaks or to fight bushfires.
The government says the base will allow the RFDS to increase outreach support such as mobile mental health services, mobile dental services, and mobile general practitioner services.
Up to 62 full-time construction jobs will be created with 41 ongoing jobs in the healthcare sector.
The base will also house staff and equipment for other emergency service providers, including Ambulance Tasmania, Tasmanian Police and the Fixed Wing Aeromedical Providers.
Federal Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, Kristy McBain says her recent visit to the base site was “fantastic”.
“Your postcode shouldn’t impact the quality of your healthcare which is why we’re partnering with the RFDS to improve and expand their services across regional Australia – with this project, Tasmanians can continue to access support when they need it,” she says.
Tasmanian Minister for Health Jacquie Petrusma says the RFDS will be able to continue its vital work.
Federal MP for Lyons Brian Mitchell said the current 20-year-old RFDS home had served its purpose and that an upgrade was needed.
RFDS Tasmania chairman Malcolm White and CEO Nicole Henty say the RFDS was indebted to both governments.
“The Royal Flying Doctor Service Tasmania is delighted to be building a new world class facility,” White says.
“This is an exciting development for the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Tasmania and we look forward to developing an aeromedical base that all Tasmanians can be proud of,” Henty says.