WA’s new cabinet will be sworn in tomorrow (Wednesday) at Government House. Photo: WA.gov.au
INCOMING WA Premier Roger Cook has unveiled his new Cabinet after Labor’s victory in the state election earlier this month.
Eight new ministers have been added to Cabinet since the 2021 state election.
Cook describes his new cabinet team as one of “energy, experience and stability”.
“My government’s focus and energy will be on cost-of-living pressures, strengthening and diversifying our economy, setting up our state for the future with a transformational infrastructure program, investments in health and housing, and delivering a cleaner, affordable and reliable climate future,” he says.
“Through a combination of humility and hard work, my team will lead Western Australia through the challenges ahead.”
The cabinet will be sworn in at WA Government House tomorrow.
(Names and portfolios)
Roger Cook — Premier; State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade; Public Sector Management; Federal-State Relations.
Rita Saffioti — Deputy Premier; Treasurer; Transport; Tourism.
Sue Ellery — Finance; Commerce; Women’s Interests.
Stephen Dawson — Emergency Services; Innovation and the Digital Economy; Science; Medical Research; Minister assisting Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade.
David Templeman — Culture and the Arts; Sport and Recreation; International Education; Heritage.
John Quigley — Attorney-General; Electoral Affairs.
Paul Papalia — Police; Corrective Services; Defence Industry; Veterans Issues.
Bill Johnston — Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Hydrogen Industry; Industrial Relations.
Dr Tony Buti — Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests.
Simone McGurk — Training; Water; Youth.
Amber-Jade Sanderson — Health; Mental Health.
John Carey — Planning; Lands; Housing; Homelessness.
Don Punch — Regional Development; Disability Services; Fisheries; Seniors and Ageing; Volunteering.
Reece Whitby — Environment; Climate Action; Racing and Gaming.
Sabine Winton — Early Childhood Education; Child Protection; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services.
David Michael — Ports; Local Government; Road Safety; Minister assisting the Minister for Transport.
Jackie Jarvis — Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Small Business.
Jessica Stojkovski — Cabinet Secretary.