A proposed rent reform by the South Australian government will ideally stop landlords from evicting tenants without proper reason.
If the reform goes ahead, landlords will only be able to evict tenants for a set of four prescribed reasons, which include: breaches by the tenant, wanting to sell, wanting to renovate, or wanting to occupy the property.
The state’s Labor government also wants to change the minimum notice to end a tenancy from 28 days to 60 days, giving tenants more time to find new accommodation and move.
These proposed reforms come as a response to SA’s record low vacancy rate of less than one per cent, along with rising rent costs, and the overall growing housing insecurity among renters.
The reforms would also allow renters to keep pets in the property, though this would come with ‘reasonable conditions’ set by the landlord, such as keeping pets outside.
Minister for Consumer and Business Affairs Andrea Michaels said housing insecurity is high in South Australia, with many renters fearing homelessness if their tenancy should end.
“Our reforms are seeking to address this and provide tenants with additional security in their rental home while still enabling landlords the opportunity to end a tenancy for valid reasons,” Michaels said.
The SA government will soon begin discussions with stakeholder groups regarding the proposed reforms ahead of a bill being introduced later in the year.