Protestors blockading the world’s largest coal port in Newcastle. Source: Green Left on Facebook
More than 100 protestors were charged, including a 97-year-old man, at the People’s Blockade of Newcastle Harbour, the world’s largest coal port.
The People’s Blockade was a three-day gathering organised by the organisation Rising Tide to block the port and bring attention to global warming.
The protestors who were arrested defied orders and remained at the harbour after the ‘allotted protest time’ was up.
97-year-old Reverend Alan Stuart was one of the protestors arrested and said, “I think it is my duty to do what I can and to stand up for what I know is right.”
“I am doing this for my grandchildren and future generations because I don’t want to leave them a world full of increasingly severe and frequent climate disasters,” Stuart said.
“I am so sorry that they will have to suffer the consequences of our inaction. So, I think it is my duty to do what I can and to stand up for what I know is right.”
Zack Schofield, Rising Tide activist, was among those arrested, and said that the protestors will return unless the government takes serious action on climate change.
“That’s the choice we’re giving government, either do your job and take on the industries causing the climate crisis or people will continue to place themselves in situations like this,” Schofield said.
“We’re going to do it again and we’re not going anywhere.”
17-year-old protestor Anjali Beams, said, “The Newcastle coal port is the largest coal port in the world, and I will not be complicit in letting my future get sold away by the fossil fuel industry for their profit.”