“Police are appealing for anyone who may see the vehicle to not approach it but dial Triple Zero,” said QPS. Source: Shutterstock.
A 23-year-old man was stabbed to death in a Brisbane suburb yesterday afternoon after allegedly being ambushed by five men.
It’s alleged that Levi Johnston was attacked and fatally stabbed by a group of men outside a gym in Carindale around 1pm Monday afternoon.
Superintendent Andrew Massingham said that Mr Johnston- who is believed to be connected to the Comancheros bikie gang- was confronted by the men in two vehicles.
“As the white Mercedes attempted to exit the carpark, it was rammed by what we believe to be a Nissan Patrol, white in colour with a silver bull bar,” Superintendent Massingham said.
“A number of males have then exited the Nissan and also the Audi. They were five in total, five males. They have approached the victim in the driver’s seat. They have then used a crowbar to smash the driver’s window.”
Officers say that Mr Johnston managed to escape through the passenger side of his car and ran across the road but was followed by two of the men.
“One of the males has then confronted him up at the intersection … and has used a knife to stab him multiple times,” Superintendent Massingham said.
“That male then returned and entered the Nissan Patrol. The remaining male then attempted to start the black Audi but was unable to start that vehicle.”
CARINDALE | Emergency crews remain at the scene of a fatal stabbing at Goodlife Health Clubs on Pine Mountain Road near Creek Road. The road remains closed in both directions while police investigate. There are minor delays in the area. #bnetraffic pic.twitter.com/jfyUNG51Zq
— Rhys Messenger (@ramessenger) September 12, 2022
He was later found hiding in bushes only a short distance from where the stabbing occurred and is now helping officers with their investigation.
Mr Johnston had been administered CPR and medical assistance however died at the scene from his injuries.
The remaining four men are still on the run.
Sup Int Massingham said that he had watched the footage and has never seen anything like it because none of the men were “disguised”.
“These males were extremely motivated to hunt this individual down. This incident was fully captured on CCTV. I have viewed that CCTV and it is confronting and horrific.”
It’s believed that there are several witnesses who are yet to come forward and speak to police with investigators urging anyone with information or dashcam footage to get in touch with officers.