Health worker administering a vaccine. Source : SHVETS Productions via Pexels.
COVID-19 booster shots will be limited for those aged under 50 years in the UK starting from early February.
The booster program will close from February 12, meaning those under 50 have until then to receive a booster shot if they choose to.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has recommended booster shots are phased out for those under 50 and are not clinically at risk from COVID-19.
The Committee has also recommended those between 16 and 49, who are not clinically at risk, should no longer require a vaccine.
Those who are between 16 and 49 who have received two doses of a vaccine are able to still get a booster shot before February 12.
Health Minister Maria Caulfield said the program ending was to increase support for higher risks groups.
“In England, the 2021 booster offer (third dose) for persons aged 16 to 49 years who are not in a clinical risk group will end in alignment with the close of the autumn 2022 campaign in England on 12 February, 2023.” Ms Caulfield said.
“The JCVI’s advice to target the initial vaccination (primary course) offer to those at higher risk from COVID-19 has been accepted by the HMG subject to further consideration of timings.” She said.
Joint Committee on vaccination and Immunisation chairman of COVID vaccination Professor Wei Shen Lim said the decision comes to prioritise those who are at the most risk of serious illness from contracting COVID-19.
“The vaccination programme continues to reduce severe disease across the population, while helping to protect the NHS.” Professor Lim said.
“That is why we have advised planning for further booster vaccines for persons at higher risk of serious illness through an autumn booster programme later this year.” He said.
Director of vaccinations and screening at NHS England Steve Russel encouraged anyone eligible for their booster shot who will be limited in doing so once the program ends to book an appointment in as soon as possible.
“Following the decision by the Government to accept JCVI advice today, I would encourage anyone who has not yet had their COVID booster to book an appointment in the next couple of weeks and make the most of the offer available.” Mr Russel said.
“Once the NHS receives updated guidance for the next phase of the vaccination programme, our fantastic NHS staff will make sure the vaccine is as accessible and convenient to those eligible as it has been in each of the previous campaigns.” He said.
This decision comes as excess deaths in England and Wales hit the highest recorded number in two years.
The Office for National Statistics recorded that over 17 thousand people died in England and Wales in the week ending 13 January, 2023.
Pre-pandemic deaths averaged at over 14 thousand, which means nearly three thousand deaths were in excess in the recorded week.
It was recorded that during that week, 37 per cent of deaths were registered as having something to do with COVID-19.
However, in the last week, COVID-19 only accounted for five per cent of the cause of death.
MPs have called for an urgent investigation into the matter.
Additionally, the CDC recorded that there have been reports linked to deaths after COVID-19 vaccinations, however this does not necessarily mean the vaccines were the sole cause of death.