At the moment the new ticketing system will only be available to adult ticket holders, excluding concession and child tickets. Source: Translink.
Public transport users in Brisbane could soon say goodbye to their Go Cards with a new ticketing system being trialled.
Starting this week travellers along the Ferny Grove train line will be able to pay for their journey using their smartphone or bank card. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said people can use their “Visa, Mastercard, American Express” as well as their “debit or credit card”, while payments will also be accepted from their “phone or watch”.
Transport Minister Mark Bailey said that he hopes this new initiative will bring some relief to the crowded transport system in the city.
“What we know from other systems where this has been implemented is you’re able to, as a provider, give more services with the number of trains and drivers that you have because the boarding is so much quicker.
“Investment in technology is an investment in the increases of frequency over time, and a better public transport system.”

It’s expected the roll out of the new system will be conducted over the next four years, with 13,500 installations set for south-east Queensland later this year according to the ABC. This kind of technology is available throughout many cities across the globe including Sydney, the Gold Coast, New York, and London.
The Gold Coast trialled this system when they introduced their light rail network, while Sydney introduced the technology in 2019.
At the moment the new ticketing system will only be available to adult ticket holders, excluding concession and child tickets. Translink boss Sally Stannard said this would eventually expand to all users and “lead to full deployment across the entire passenger rail system, with buses and ferries to follow”.
People online had a mixed reaction to the announcement and even posed a few questions around how the system would work.
How would one pay for a family boarding public transport? Or differentiation between adult and children rates?
— Nick Davis (@Nick_Davis_3D) June 4, 2022
Just remember there is an older generation out there who may not be able to do any of your options other than the smart card
— David Clark (@DavidCl79457195) June 4, 2022
About time! This was already happening in other parts of the world 18 years ago!!! Finally! Thank you!
— suzi choi (@aussiekimchi) June 3, 2022